Meet the Decathletes: William McHale

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1. Please tell us the name of your firm, title, and describe your role in one sentence.  I work as an Operations Associate at Axiom International Investors.

2. What are your fundraising and athletic goals for The Decathlon, and what led you to choose them? In terms of fundraising, I am targeting $5,000. Athletic success will be defined by: 1. Being less out of shape than former teammates and opponents. 2. Not losing my breakfast after running the 400-meter race. 3. Having a great time competing.

3. On average, a Decathlete receives donations from 34 supporters. What fundraising technique(s) have worked best for you that you would recommend to first-time participants? I have had some success offering people a money back guarantee based on my performance. I hope that works out for me come June 14th.

4. Most Decathletes have participated in mud runs, 5k’s, and triathlons. What differentiates The Wall Street Decathlon experience from those other events? The grind of doing all 10 events back to back seems to be a common theme in talking to past participants.

5. What’s the one piece of advice about The Decathlon that you’d share with first-time participants? Mental and physical endurance can be overlooked when preparing for the events in isolation. Stamina will separate the “to win” from the “for fun” more and more as the day goes on.