Free Agency FAQ
How much does it cost to register as a free agent?
It's the same entry fee as The Individual D10.
What happens if I don't get drafted?
There's no downside once you register. You can either compete on a team of undrafted free agents, or participate in The D10 as an individual.
I'm a free agent looking to join a D10 Team in San Francisco – can I get drafted by a D10 Team competing in a different market?
Nope. Each market forms its own teams. We want you to focus on training and fundraising, not flights and hotels.
What happens if I decline an invitation?
No hard feelings. But the Team Captain that attempted to draft you may spiral down into what George Costanza called the "It's not you. It's me!" routine.
Let's assume I receive an invitation. How do I look up who else is on the team?
The invitation includes the team name and captain's name. Use the search tool on to view the team that wants you to join it.
Can a team draft a free agent of any gender?
Yes. The D10 encourages co-ed teams. Men's and Women's Scoring Tables are available in the FAQ under "Knowledge" on, and remember, only a Team's top two scores in each event count toward overall standings.
Whom do I contact if I have questions about free agency?
Just email The D10 team at A representative will reply within 24 hours.