Meet the Decathletes: Peter Prinstein

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1. Please tell us the name of your firm, title, and describe your role in one sentence. I work at PIMCO as a Vice President, advocating for the firm's views on markets amongst our NYC Financial Advisor clients.

2. What are your fundraising and athletic goals for The Decathlon, and what led you to choose them? Fundraising is simply the most important -- and most rewarding element of the Decathlon. I hope to get over the $10k mark this year for the first time, which will be a challenge, but one that I take very seriously. As for the playing field, I would like to finally crack the 60-second mark in the 400. I finished last year in 60.5 seconds, and am focused on a personal best here in 2015.

3. On average, a Decathlete receives donations from 34 supporters. What fundraising technique(s) have worked best for you that you would recommend to first-time participants? I've raised almost $20k over the last four years combined through a network of largely family, friends and colleagues. This year, I have asked some members of the Financial Advisory community about their access to clients with Charitable Trusts who are inclined to support the incredibly worthy, exciting pediatric cancer research cause we're committed to at The Decathlon. Reminding potential donors how underserved this piece of the research market is, is critical to our success.

4. Most Decathletes have participated in mud runs, 5k’s, and triathlons. What differentiates The Wall Street Decathlon experience from those other events? The biggest reason I'm coming back for my fifth Decathlon despite nagging injuries, time constraints and old age is the camaraderie. There's nothing like 'game day,' when you and 150 other like-minded Wall Street-ers are in each other's faces, motivating one another, sweating, competing and ultimately battling against cancer. At the end of the day, we're really all on the same team out there, and it shows -- incredible sportsmanship is evidenced all day. It amazes me each year how much guys give to be ready for the event. 

5. What’s the one piece of advice about The Decathlon that you’d share with first-time participants? Newcomers should know how much fun they're going to have! You train like crazy -- that's the hardest part, but it's behind you when the gun goes off for your 400 heat. There's no substitute for being treated like a pro athlete. Soak the day in, enjoy the moment, and plan to make it an annual tradition.

You can donate to Peter's personal fundraising page here.