The Best Exercises To Improve Your Vertical Jump

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While you may not hear many athletes pledging to improve their vertical jump height at the 2015 Wall Street Decathlon (events like the 400-meter seem to be where athletes set their goals high), the vertical jump is worth just as much as any other event the Decathlon offers: 1,000 points.

To earn the most points possible when stepping up to the metaphorical plate of the vertical jump competition, we've asked Shayne Cureton, Division 1 Collegiate Level Athlete and head coach at New York City's premiere training facility Tone House New York, for the best exercises to improve your jumping game.

Vertical Jump Workout

  • Box Jumps (3 sets of 8 reps): Find a steady platform you can jump on and off. This can be an aerobics step at your gym, or a sturdy park bench. The ideal height of your step falls between 12 and 24 inches -- start low, then work your way up. With your feet planted, shoulder width apart, squat down slightly before exploding up (jumping with both legs) and landing on both feet on your surface. Jump back downward softly, then repeat. Good news! Box jumps can also improve your running.
  • Single Leg Box Jumps (3 sets of 8 reps for each leg): Single leg box jumps are executed just like your box jump, only you'll be using one leg at a time. Since this can be more difficult, consider using a shorter platform at the beginning. 
  • Medicine Ball Explosive Jump (3 sets of 12): Holding medicine ball (weight can vary), explode up from a squat and press the medicine ball upward as hard as you while in the air. Land softly on your feet and return to start position, then repeat.

Shayne Cureton is currently signed with CLICK Model Management and is a NASM Certified personal trainer. His mantra to live by is, “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.”