Women Who Win: Samantha Bower

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The D10's Women Who Win series, brought you in collaboration with ADAY, spotlights some of the incredible female athletes who take to The D10's playing field each year. 

Meet Samantha Bower, production associate at Coulter Partners. 

Competition has always fueled my life. From my first figure skating competition at age five, through high school and college track meets, my first marathon, Olympic Weightlifting competitions ... the list is exhausting. When I was approached with the opportunity to join The D10 community two years ago, it was a no-brainer to use my love of competition as a way to help support an amazing cause. Furthermore, I could have chosen no better way to compete than with three of my closest friends.

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All the members of my team, Capital Gainz, are competitive athletes in our own respective sports. The D10 pushed each of us to develop our strengths and improve upon our weaknesses. During the late weeknight and early weekend workouts, we cultivated some friendly rivalries that helped us form friendships that will last a lifetime.

On game day, it turned out to be Taylor and I, the two women on the team, who went all out for our marquee events and amassed the most points towards a sixth-place overall finish for Capital Gainz. Honestly, you don’t mess with a chick that does 53 reps on the bench press! Although I may not be nearly as strong as her, her amazing performance inspired me to give everything I had to run the fastest female time in the 800m. How’s that for some women who work together to win?

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The fact is, the competitive mindset is not just something you turn off when you leave the field. After five years of teaching, I recently changed professions when I realized that one of the biggest missing components was the competition that drives me in my personal life. No matter what I’m doing, I want to set my goals high and surround myself with strong women who will support me.