UNBROKEN [25.17]
November 10, 2017
Market: Houston
Athlete: Gabe Baker, HNTB
My journey with the D10 began with a former college teammate sharing with me the opportunity of this competition. Being one who seeks out challenges and ways to push myself physically, I took on the challenge and began training. Funny thing is that my friend who recommended the D10 to me ended up not competing; no fault to him, but I’m glad I did.
I have continued to understand that my physical capabilities at the simple foundation of being able to walk and run unencumbered, are nothing but blessings from God. I am then inspired to take full advantage to develop and utilize my abilities not just to better my life, but with the hopes of enhancing the lives of others. The D10 is a unique opportunity that helps me fulfill this aspiration of mine by challenging me physically and supporting the health of the pediatric patients at MD Anderson.
Competing at the first annual Houston Decathlon was a great experience. It was difficult but very rewarding, just as I expected. Finishing 4th overall for the men and meeting and exceeding my personal goals in events like the vertical jump and the 500m row, was also very exciting; but also has inspired me to train harder with hopes of an even better outcome this year. But in the end, it’s not about my personal performance, but about those that are helped by the support and funds raised!