April 12, 2018
Hacks for Mad Hops (continued..)
3. Squats
I’m a huge fan of squats, but not the limited range of motion squats common in most gyms. Full range of motion matters and has been shown to increase vertical jumping ability by 8%. EIGHT PERCENT! Those are the kinds of improvements you need on Game Day.
The Hack: Include the deep squat in your workout routine. Once you feel comfortable squatting to depth, add some jumping after squatting to full depth.
4. Strengthen your Core
Have you ever tried to push a rope? If your legs are much stronger than your core, your body is like the rope. It will bend all over the place. Each bend results in a loss of energy. Loss energy results more injuries and poor jumping.
The Hack: Incorporate proper breathing and core strengthening exercise. My favorite core exercise are the planks and ab wheels. Learn the hard-style plank position. When you can hold a hard style plank for 60 seconds, you’re ready to defy gravity.
So there are four simple hacks you can implement today to maximize your jumping on Game Day. For info on an elite training program including these 4 four performance hacks, Check out The D10 Workout here: https://marketplace.trainheroic.com/#/subscribe?type=team&id=285628
Chicago, San Francisco, and Houston! Get ready. The wait is almost over!