Meet the 2015 Decathletes: Paul Bjorneby

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1. Please tell us the name of your firm, title, and describe your role in 1 sentence. I am a Managing Director at UBS and I work in the Investment Bank in our Equity Capital Markets group. I help companies in the Natural Resources and Utility sectors raise equity via IPO's, secondary equity offerings, and convertible bond offerings.

2. What are your fundraising and athletic goals for The Decathlon, and what led you to choose them?  This year I'd like to beat my fundraising and on the field performance from last year -- always striving to get better!

3. On average, a Decathlete receives donations from 34 supporters.  What fundraising technique(s) have worked best for you that you would recommend to first-time participants?  The more you talk to people about The Decathlon, the more you raise. I've never encountered a client, colleague, friend, family member who thought raising money to help fight pediatric cancer was a bad idea. And when people realize how hard you are training for the event, they never say no. So get the word out!

4. Most Decathletes have participated in mud runs, 5k’s, and triathlons.  What differentiates The Wall Street Decathlon experience from those other events? The sense of accomplishment and camaraderie set The Decathlon apart from other athletic competitions. Its an absolutely incredible day.

5. What’s the one piece of advice about The Decathlon that you’d share with first-time participants? Stay focused, stay loose, and conserve your energy. Its a long day out on the field and there's so much excitement and adrenaline its easy to get wiped out by the 6th or 7th event. But most of all -- have fun and enjoy every minute of it!!

You can donate to Paul's fundraising page here.