Meet the 2015 Decathletes: Michael Bennett

W680 michael bennet

1. Please tell us the name of your firm, title, and describe your role in one sentence. JP Morgan Chase & Company, Investment Specialist. I work as part of a team to offer investment solutions to our clients.

2. What are your fundraising and athletic goals for The Decathlon, and what led you to choose them? I want to be a part of the 10K club and I want to win the overall competition. Last year I came in 7th place and raised $5,000. I have room to improve in both facets of the competition.

3. On average, a Decathlete receives donations from 34 supporters. What fundraising technique(s) have worked best for you that you would recommend to first-time participants? Strategically plan your fundraising effort -– who do you want to reach out to and when? My experience last year showed me that people are very generous when you give them a worthwhile cause and show them that you are working hard.

4. Most Decathletes have participated in mud runs, 5k’s, and triathlons. What differentiates The Wall Street Decathlon experience from those other events? This event is unlike any other. You need to mentally prepare yourself for each event separately – this is not one race with one finish line. Each of the ten events is an entirely different type of competition in its own right.

5. What’s the one piece of advice about The Decathlon that you’d share with first-time participants? Do not neglect any part of your training and do not look past anyone that might be willing to donate to this great cause.

You can donate to Michael's fundraising page here.