Meet The Decathletes

Athlete:  Tim O'Toole


    1. Describe your role at Southwest Securities.  I currently work as a Trading Liaison on the Taxable Fixed Income Retail Desk in Dallas.
    2. How do you train for The Decathlon?  I trained for The Decathlon by lifting 4-5 days per week followed by 1-2 days of speed/agility work per week. I routinely alter my workouts and rep variety to maximize strength and endurance.
    3. What's your best memory from competing in The Decathlon?  The best part of participating in The Decathlon was undoubtedly competing with all of the guys in Group A.  While everyone was very competitive, it would be tough to argue that another group had a much fun as we did.  The encouragement and jokes that flowed throughout the competition helped take the edge off and made the experience that much more enjoyable.
    4. Advice to new participants?  This is truly a one-of-a-kind opportunity.  This is an amazing group people united by a common cause.  Be sure to take the time between events to forge relationships and have fun! As far as training is concerned, start training for the track events a few months in advance and gradually build up your endurance. I regret waiting so long to start my running and felt forced to dive in full bore.  As a result, my shins splints got so bad that I had to rest my legs for a full 3 weeks prior to the event.  My endurance was poor and my performance suffered.  Stick to a game plan and do your best to show up healthy.
    5. How will you define success for yourself at The Decathlon 2015?  My goals for The Decathlon 2015 are to raise over $5,000 and finish in the top-5


Thanks, Tim.  Bring it!