Everything You Need To Know About How To Throw A Football With A Perfect Spiral

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Throwing a football may look easy, but there's actually a lot more to it than just chucking the ball and hoping for the best. And while you may have executed a "perfect" throw in PeeWee Football, the Decathlon version of this childhood game is a whole different ball game. 

To make sure you're prepped to give your competitors a run for their money, we're sharing gear news website GearPatrol.com's six main steps to get that perfect spiral:

  1. Grip the ball correctly: Lay the four fingers of your dominant hand across the laces, the pads of your fingers just on the far side.
  2. Get in ready position: Turn your shoulders to a 90 degree angle to your target; if you’re right handed, left foot in front; left handed, right foot in front.
  3. Begin the throw: Bring the ball back to just parallel to your dominant side’s ear.
  4. Step toward your target: With your forward foot, bringing your weight onto that foot. As you step, pivot your hips and shoulders so that your chest opens toward your target. 
  5. Start your release: Begin with a stopping motion at your shoulder, moves to your elbow, then to your wrist and finishes at your fingers
  6. Flick your wrist:  Continue driving the ball forward with your shoulder and arms, but allow the ball to roll off your thumb and then your fingers.

While those steps are certainly helpful, other sources believe the perfect throw is more of a 14-step process. For a more intricate guide, check out this infographic featured on The RSVLTS. To help you torpedo a football with perfect aim, they've made this helpful guide — complete with tips from 4-time Superbowl Champion Joe Montana. 

(infographic via The RSVLTS -- click here to enlarge) 

Need another visual? Check out this video.